>> help fminsearch FMINSEARCH Multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization (Nelder-Mead). X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and finds a local minimizer X of the function FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix. X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, created with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. FMINSEARCH uses these options: Display, TolX, TolFun, MaxFunEvals, and MaxIter. X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) provides for additional arguments which are passed to the objective function, F=feval(FUN,X,P1,P2,...). Pass an empty matrix for OPTIONS to use the default values. (Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if no options are set.) [X,FVAL]= FMINSEARCH(...) returns the value of the objective function, described in FUN, at X. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = FMINSEARCH(...) returns a string EXITFLAG that describes the exit condition of FMINSEARCH. If EXITFLAG is: 1 then FMINSEARCH converged with a solution X. 0 then the maximum number of iterations was reached. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = FMINSEARCH(...) returns a structure OUTPUT with the number of iterations taken in OUTPUT.iterations. Examples FUN can be specified using @: X = fminsearch(@sin,3) finds a minimum of the SIN function near 3. In this case, SIN is a function that returns a scalar function value SIN evaluated at X. FUN can also be an inline object: X = fminsearch(inline('norm(x)'),[1;2;3]) returns a minimum near [0;0;0]. FMINSEARCH uses the Nelder-Mead simplex (direct search) method. See also OPTIMSET, FMINBND, @, INLINE.